Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the thyroid gland, accounting for about 1% of all cancers. Although it may not cause symptoms initially, it can lead to swelling and pain in the neck over time. Since our country is an endemic region for thyroid diseases, nodules frequently develop in the thyroid tissue, and thyroid cancers are often associated with these nodules.

Therefore, it is crucial to accurately evaluate thyroid nodules using ultrasonography for cancer diagnosis. Additionally, scintigraphy can determine whether nodules produce hormones—those that do are termed "hot," while non-producing nodules are termed "cold." Cold nodules are at a higher risk for cancer.

Thyroid Cancer Symptoms

Thyroid cancer often does not show symptoms in its early stages. Over time, as the nodule in the thyroid gland grows, symptoms may appear. Symptoms vary depending on the size and location of the nodule. As the nodule enlarges, neck pain, difficulty breathing, swallowing problems, and coughing may occur.




Thyroid cancer can occur at any age but is more common in individuals under 40 and in women. Radiation exposure, abnormal iodine intake (either too little or too much), genetic mutations, and inflammation of thyroid tissues can contribute to thyroid cancer. There are three main types of thyroid cancer, the most common being papillary thyroid cancer, which is not very aggressive.

To reduce the risk of thyroid cancer, it is recommended to avoid smoking and alcohol, maintain a healthy diet, and exercise regularly.

Effective surgery and, if needed, radioactive (radioiodine) therapy can lead to high success rates in treating thyroid cancer.




Thyroid Cancer Risk Factors

Several factors contribute to the development of thyroid cancer, some of which can be mitigated while others cannot.




Insufficient iodine intake can lead to goiter, which increases the risk of follicular thyroid cancer. Radiation exposure to the head and neck is another critical risk factor.

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