Goiter Diagnosis and Treatment Methods

The enlargement of the thyroid gland in the body is called goiter. There are different types of goiter. It includes non-nodular and nodular goiter. In non-nodular goiter, both sides of the thyroid gland are enlarged, and the surface of the thyroid is smooth and soft. In nodular goiter, the thyroid gland enlarges, but there are nodules inside. The surface is lumpy and bulging.

When the thyroid gland in the body works more than necessary and produces more thyroid hormones than the body needs, it is called hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a common condition among individuals. In this process, the functions of the organs also accelerate. As a result, some changes can be observed in the individual: palpitations, irritability, excessive excitement, irregular menstruation, weight loss, diarrhea, hair loss, emotionality, trembling hands, and reduced strength are some of them. Osteoporosis during menopause may increase further in case of hyperthyroidism. On the other hand, when the thyroid gland works less, it is called hypothyroidism. The symptoms of hypothyroidism are weakness, fatigue, constipation, cold intolerance, and concentration problems.




How is Goiter Diagnosed?

Goiter can be diagnosed through several methods. First, the doctor palpates the neck area. This way, they can evaluate the size and consistency of the thyroid gland. For a goiter diagnosis, blood tests, thyroid scintigraphy, ultrasound, and biopsy methods can also be applied. After the physical examination, a blood test is the first procedure to be done. The levels of TSH and T4 hormones are checked in the blood test, and these hormone levels confirm the diagnosis of goiter.

With ultrasound and goiter scintigraphy, the size of the goiter can be visualized. If cancer is suspected, a needle can be used to take a tissue or fluid sample from the goiter.

Goiter Treatment

Goiter treatment is done through different methods depending on the type and nodules. If a dominant and advanced nodule is noticed, treatment will be initiated. In goiter treatment, biopsy and neck ultrasound are the most commonly used diagnostic tools to understand whether cancer is present. Goiter treatment initially begins with medication. The goal is to reduce the size of the goiter and gradually eliminate it. Missing hormones are supplemented with medication, while in cases of excessive hormones, a medication is given to balance the body.

In the treatment of hyperthyroidism, radioactive iodine therapy can be used. Radioactive iodine is taken orally, and it reaches the thyroid gland through the circulatory system, destroying thyroid cells. This can shrink the goiter. For nodular goiter, surgical operation may be a more suitable option. If it cannot be solved with medication, thyroid removal is performed through surgical operations. If malignant tissue growth is noticed in the thyroid gland, it can be fully removed. For people who do not experience specific symptoms but are bothered by swelling in their neck, surgery may also be performed.




What are the Goiter Treatment Methods?

Once goiter is detected, the first step is to start medication. Goiter can cause the thyroid gland to work excessively, leading to hyperthyroidism. Medication can be used for this. Additionally, goiter may cause inflammation, which can also be treated with medication. In cases where medication cannot resolve the problem, the following options are available for goiter treatment:

  • Radioactive iodine therapy: This treatment method can be used in cases of hyperthyroidism. In this method, radioactive iodine is taken orally. The iodine affects the thyroid glands, causing the cells to die, which in turn reduces the size of the thyroid gland.
  • Goiter surgery: Surgery may be necessary if the thyroid gland has grown excessively. In goiter surgery, part or all of the thyroid gland is removed.

Goiter Surgery

Goiter can put pressure on the neck or may have grown too large, carry a risk of cancer, or the individual may be unable to use medication for a long time. For these reasons, goiter surgery may be required. General anesthesia is used in goiter surgery. A horizontal incision is made on the front of the neck, and the thyroid gland's blood vessels are cut to remove the gland. Either part or all of the gland can be removed. If there is suspicion of malignancy, the entire thyroid gland is removed.

Goiter Treatment Costs

The cost of goiter treatment can vary depending on the severity of the goiter. Prof. Dr. Bülent Çitgez offers goiter treatment. For more detailed information about goiter treatment and costs, you can reach us through the contact section.

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