Cyst in the Breast

Breast cysts do not usually indicate breast cancer. The breast consists of parts called lobes. These lobes consist of 15-20 sections. Each lobe is divided into lobules. Due to various hormonal stimuli, these lobules can be destroyed and enlarged, leading to the formation of cysts in the breast.

What are the Symptoms of a Breast Cyst?

Breast cyst symptoms most commonly include palpable lumps. Breast cysts can be quite painful. Swelling and pain may begin before menstruation and return to normal after menstruation. In some women, the pain may persist even after menstruation. Breast cysts can be painful or painless. Simple cysts, typically ranging between 2.5 cm, do not cause discomfort unless they press against the surrounding tissues of the breast. Complicated cysts contain protein, blood, debris, and epithelial cells. The formation of these cysts can cause gray or green-colored fluid to drain from the nipple. The fluid may come out when the breast is squeezed, as the cysts are filled with liquid.



What Happens if There is a Breast Cyst?

If there is a breast cyst, pain and swelling may occur. The presence of a breast cyst is a common occurrence in many women. With the formation of these cysts, the breast may appear different than its normal state. Most cysts are benign and do not develop into cancer. However, they require proper monitoring and must be checked by a doctor.

What Are the Types of Breast Cysts?

Breast cyst types are as follows:

  • Irregularly structured breast cysts; bleeding may develop within the cyst. Tissue debris may be present, and the liquid inside the cyst is irregular, so it should be monitored.
  • Dense breast cysts; in this type, the fluid inside the cyst can be very dense. It is difficult to determine its content. It is not clear from the examination whether the cyst is filled with a hard mass, fluid, or cells. These cysts require regular monitoring.
  • Breast cysts with protrusions on the wall; these are cysts where the cyst wall has a protrusion towards the inside. This condition could be cancerous, so necessary tests must be conducted.
  • Complicated breast cysts; in this type, multiple cysts come together, forming a "grape cluster" appearance.

Can Breast Cysts Lead to Cancer?

Breast cysts do not directly cause cancer. They are not considered a risk factor for increasing breast cancer. However, when cysts occur in the breast, it may be difficult to distinguish between benign cysts and tumor-related cysts. For this reason, women with breast cysts should undergo regular breast examinations. If any differences are noticed during the menstrual cycle, it is important to consult a doctor.

How are Breast Cysts Diagnosed?

Breast cyst diagnosis can be made through breast ultrasound or mammography. If imaging methods are insufficient, fine needle aspiration or breast biopsy may be required. Generally, mammography allows the visualization of both small and large cysts. The diagnosis of microcysts is difficult with mammography. Breast ultrasound helps determine the contents of a lump in the breast, whether it is filled with fluid or is solid.



What is the Treatment for Breast Cysts?

Breast cyst treatment depends on the progression of the cyst. The progression of the cyst is monitored. Most cysts resolve on their own over time without the need for treatment. If the cyst does not shrink or disappear, intervention may be necessary. Especially if the cyst is growing or changes occur in the skin, treatment is required. Fine needle aspiration can be used to remove all the fluid from the cyst. This will cause the breast lump to disappear. Some breast cysts cannot be drained in a single session, and the procedure may need to be repeated several times. Birth control pills are also an option for treating cysts. These medications help prevent the formation and recurrence of cysts. Surgery is not a commonly preferred method for breast cysts. If the cyst is bloody or shows other symptoms, surgical procedures may be used.


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