Breast Health

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women. Since it is often detected and diagnosed in advanced stages, the chance of treatment also varies accordingly. Breast cancer is a disease that requires an easier treatment process when diagnosed early. To reduce the incidence of breast cancer, awareness about breast health should be raised, and efforts to maintain breast health should be integrated into general health routines.

What is Breast Health?

Breast health can be maintained by understanding the structure of the breast and the factors that compromise breast health. Women should first understand their own breasts properly. Women who are familiar with their breasts during their menstrual period, pregnancy, or breastfeeding can recognize any differences or symptoms at the onset of a disease and consult a specialist. This contributes to early diagnosis and successful treatment.

Breast Structure

Breast structure consists of lobules, which are milk-producing glands, milk ducts that carry milk to the nipple, as well as muscle, fat, nerves, blood, and lymphatic vessels. Each breast contains approximately 15-20 lobes. The lobules that contain milk-producing cells combine to form lobes. The nipple is the outlet for the milk ducts, and the dark area surrounding the nipple is called the areola.

The content of breast tissue is made up of milk glands and ducts. Fat tissue shapes the breast, while connective tissue holds the breast tissue together. Estrogen and progesterone are effective hormones influencing the breast. During pregnancy, the levels of these hormones increase, preparing the breasts for milk production.

What Does a Healthy Breast Look Like?

The answer to what to do for breast health starts with knowing what a healthy breast looks like. Every woman's breast may appear different, so differences in appearance should not be interpreted as a problem if no issues are detected during examinations and screenings. Breasts undergo continuous development and change under the influence of hormones.

  • If there is swelling, firmness, or dimpling in the breast tissue,
  • If the shape changes,
  • If there is discharge from the nipple,
  • If there is a retraction of the nipple, a specialist should be consulted.

To maintain healthy breasts, a healthy lifestyle should be adopted, breast examinations should not be neglected, and information about factors that may cause breast problems should be acquired.



Which Specialist Should Be Consulted for Breast Health?

General surgery specialists are the authorized doctors for breast health. A general surgery specialist may have received specialized training in breast health and breast surgery. For a breast examination, one can consult a general surgery specialist. For breast diseases and treatment, a specialist in breast diseases should be consulted.

How Can I Reduce My Risk of Breast Cancer?

The risk of breast cancer can be reduced with a regular lifestyle and conscious awareness. Early diagnosis is very important in breast cancer, so women should perform self-breast examinations and consult a specialist in case of any differences. The following precautions can help reduce the risk of breast cancer:

  • Adopt a regular and healthy lifestyle.
  • Exercise at least three hours a week.
  • Avoid unnecessary use of medications that may disrupt hormone balance.
  • Minimize exposure to radiation.
  • Avoid planning pregnancy at very late ages.
  • Breastfeeding is known to reduce the risk of breast cancer, so breastfeeding should be continued as long as possible.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption, which increase the risk of breast cancer, should be minimized or completely avoided.
  • Maintain regular sleep and avoid stress.

Women at risk of breast cancer should not neglect their breast examinations. After the age of 40, this should continue regularly, with an annual breast ultrasound and mammogram.

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