Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer symptoms vary depending on the stage of the cancer and the size of the tumor. Among the most significant symptoms of breast cancer is the presence of a lump detected during self-examination. If this lump is felt, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Mammograms should be taken regularly after the age of 40.

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer symptoms can vary depending on the stage of the disease. These symptoms are generally as follows:

  • Feeling a usually painless hard lump in the breast or underarm during self-examination,
  • Enlargement of the breast,
  • Deformation of the breast shape,
  • Asymmetry in the breasts,
  • Discoloration of the skin on the breast,
  • Sores, scaling, or an orange-peel appearance on the breast,
  • Bloody or clear discharge from the nipple,
  • Retraction, directional change, dimpling, or cracking of the nipple



What Are the Symptoms of a Lump in the Breast?

Breast lumps can occur for various reasons. Many women may encounter lumps. These lumps may be benign or malignant tumors. Symptoms of breast lumps include:

  • Pain in the breast,
  • Pain under the arm,
  • New asymmetry between the two breasts,
  • Changes in the skin texture of the breast compared to before

These symptoms and the presence of a lump require consultation with a doctor. However, the presence of a lump is not always a sign of cancer. Breast lumps can also result from infections, widening of milk ducts, fatty tissue, or fibrocystic causes.

Can Cancer Occur Without a Lump in the Breast?

Cancer can occur without a lump in the breast. In the early stage of breast cancer, a lump may not yet have formed. If cancer is detected in this initial phase, the chances of complete recovery are very high. Another reason for the absence of a lump despite having breast cancer could be that the cancer is developing within the milk ducts. As the disease progresses, this condition may lead to the formation of a lump.

Is Breast Pain a Symptom of Cancer?

Breast pain is one of the symptoms of cancer. However, only 1% to 2% of women with breast cancer experience breast pain as a symptom. Sometimes, even without a lump, pain in the breast may indicate breast cancer. If this pain causes concern, it is essential to consult a doctor. If examined by a doctor and no signs of breast cancer are found, breast pain does not increase the risk of cancer.



What Causes Breast Cancer?

Causes of breast cancer vary between genetic and environmental factors. While the exact cause of breast cancer is unknown, individuals with the following factors are at higher risk of developing breast cancer:

  • Exposure to high levels of radiation,
  • Having little fat tissue in the breasts,
  • Living a very sedentary lifestyle,
  • Having obesity problems,
  • Starting menstruation at an early age,
  • Not breastfeeding,
  • Using birth control pills for a prolonged period,
  • Using hormones for an extended period during menopause

It is not guaranteed that individuals with these factors will develop cancer. However, having one or more of these factors increases the risk of breast cancer.

Diagnosis Based on Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer among women. For this reason, every woman over the age of 40 should have regular mammograms. Women under the age of 40 should perform self-examinations regularly. If any symptoms of breast cancer are observed, it is crucial to consult a doctor immediately. After a doctor’s examination, necessary tests and screenings should be conducted. If breast cancer is diagnosed, a sample from the lymph nodes is taken to determine the stage of cancer. Even if breast cancer is not diagnosed, periodic testing is necessary, approximately every two years. A mammogram should be performed every two years.


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