Axillary Breast Cancer

Axillary breast cancer is understood from the lymph nodes located under the armpit. Involvement of the axillary lymph nodes indicates the spread of breast cancer. The axilla is close to both breasts. If breast cancer begins to spread, the first place it will spread to is the axilla. A person typically has 20-30 axillary lymph nodes.

Axillary Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Axillary breast cancer diagnosis helps to determine the stage of the cancer. Diagnosis and staging can be made based on its spread to the axilla. Breast cancer spreads to the body through the bloodstream and lymph. Cancer cells that spread through the lymph may stop and start growing inside the lymph nodes. If the cancer has spread to the axillary lymph nodes, a mastectomy may be performed.

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer Spreading to the Axillary Lymph Node?

The symptoms of breast cancer spreading to the axillary lymph node are as follows:

  • A lump or swelling under the armpit
  • Swelling in the arms or hands
  • A lump or swelling in the chest or collarbone
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Loss of energy
  • Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
  • Pain



How is Axillary Breast Cancer Diagnosed?

Axillary breast cancer diagnosis is initially made by manual examination. In manual breast examination, it is checked for the presence of any lumps. If the cancer has spread to the axilla, masses can also be found under the armpit. After the person notices these swellings, they must consult a doctor. After performing a manual examination, the doctor will request necessary tests and imaging. Based on the results, the next steps will be determined.

Sentinel Node Biopsy for Axillary Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Sentinel node biopsy for axillary breast cancer diagnosis involves injecting a dye or radioactive substance into the breast. The injected dye or radioactive material will travel to the first lymph node it reaches, which will be identified as the sentinel (guard) lymph nodes. After this process, a general surgeon or radiologist will take samples from the sentinel lymph nodes. The tissue samples are then sent to a pathologist for examination.

Axillary Dissection for Axillary Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Axillary dissection for axillary breast cancer diagnosis involves the removal of additional lymph nodes from under the armpit. The purpose of removing the lymph nodes is to check whether the cancer has spread. Another goal is to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence in the lymph nodes. Breast surgeons remove the fatty tissue that contains all or most of the lymph nodes. The pathologist then examines whether cancer has spread beyond the lymph nodes.



Staging Axillary Breast Cancer

Axillary breast cancer staging can be determined. The stage of the cancer is determined by its spread. Spread is detected via the axilla. Tumor stages are defined in three ways.

1- Tumor Stage (T)

The size of the tumor is defined.

2- Node Stage (N)

Breast cancer is staged based on its spread to the lymph nodes and how far it has reached.

  • NX: Information about nearby lymph nodes cannot be obtained. In some cases, axillary lymph nodes may not be evaluable.
  • N0: No spread of cancer to the lymph nodes.
  • N1: Micro metastases are present, or cancer is found in 1-3 axillary lymph nodes.
  • N2: Spread to 4-9 lymph nodes. At this stage, cancer has spread to the lymph nodes inside the breast.
  • N3: Spread to 10 or more axillary lymph nodes, lymph nodes under the collarbone, internal mammary lymph nodes, or one or more axillary lymph nodes above the collarbone. Additionally, internal mammary lymph nodes may have micrometastases and cancer may be present in 4 or more axillary nodes.

3- Metastasis Stage (M)

Metastasis is staged based on the spread of the cancer from the primary site to other parts of the body.

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